Error message The key message: Failed during configuration: Have not found any log file for sshd jail Solution Edit /etc/fail2ban/jail.local…

Repair Kopia rclone remote repository blob error
When I migrate from remote SFTP kopia repository via rclone to Pcloud drive instead, I got this error after rclone…
MicroK8s resize default storage Persistent Volumes
By default microk8s will create 20GiB disk space, If you need to expand it, you will have to Describe pv…
k3s install on Debian
ks3 install Wait for node in ready state Describe the node token Add to kubectl on local machine Check connection…

GL-inet TTL to 65
Here are some command that I use that works properly on my device Devices that I use Remember check your…

Turn off taint on k0s kubernetes
Here is the error when I run Nginx on k0s When I played with k0s on bare metal server, I…

Add Samba on Debian
Samba is an open-source utility that enables file sharing between machines running on a single network. It enables Linux machines…

Debian remote desktop with VNC with XFCE Desktop environment
This is the continue tutorial for Debian remote desktop with XRDP with XFCE Desktop environment. Here is the quick way…

Debian partition disk over 2TB
Usually you cannot create a Linux partition larger than 2 TB using the fdisk command. The fdisk won’t create partitions…

Enable Audio for remote RDP XFCE on Debian
By default there is no audio for RDP on XFCE Desktop environment. Such as this picture showed below. Install the…