Dynamic IP vs Fixed IP Dynamic IP A dynamic IP address is a temporary address for devices connected to a…
Caddy server acme challenge with Cloudflare DNS
Server environment Download Caddy with Cloudflare DNS plugin https://caddyserver.com/download with dns.providers.cloudflare plugin Set up a Cloudflare Token API https://dash.cloudflare.com/profile/api-tokens Permission:…
Setup Caddy server with BuyPass Go SSL A Norwegian CAA provider
Reason to replace Let’s Encrypt Avoid United States gov banning Let’s Encrypt Always try something smaller or made in EU…
Google Cloud CLI setup on Mac OSX and k8s Lens
Setup Google CLI Download https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/install Download CLI Extract it run ./google-cloud-sdk/install.sh Login with Web Browser Download k8s credential for Lens…
Enhance Blah DNS SSL Certificate to avoid America Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA)
We have … Let’s encrypt problem As of April 2021, suddenly there are a lot of sites which rely on…
Host and Mount Kopia with webDAV server
I have a local Kopia repository on my server Ready to mount Make a directory under /mnt and let Kopia…
Nextcloud stuck at maintenance mode
Solution Edit config.php under ~/nextcloud/appdata/www/nextcloud/config Set ‘maintenance’ => false to false References https://help.nextcloud.com/t/stuck-in-maintenance-mode-though-according-to-config-file-not/94476
BackBlaze B2 with rclone
Mount the drive Unmount the drive Copy file to rclone
Backup file with Kopia and Rclone to Storj
Because of Storj lack of support MOVE, check it out here: https://kopia.discourse.group/t/experimenting-with-rclone/304/5 Step 1 Setup personal S3 compatible bucket on…
Storj storage backup tutorial
One of my friend who introduce my Storj.io as the Backblaze B2 alternative to back up Server, Work’s laptop or…